Xlack Revisited

A few weeks ago I posted a couple of times about the xlack system info script for xchat. It was very useful considering I couldn’t find the script anywhere on Google. Right after posting the download for the script, I had a decent rank on Google for the keyword “xlack download” and even “xlack”. This was to be expected since there really wasn’t a lot of information about Xlack available on the internet anymore.

Now I’m not even in the first page results. In fact, the number one position for “xlack” is a placeholder page for the old xlack.tk. This was the original website for the xlack script. There’s also a high placement for a member of deviant art. At any rate, if someone were to actually use Google to find the xlack script, they would be hard pressed to find it. Hopefully this site will rank for the xlack keyword soon so people can actually find the script.

Xlack Download Someone help

For years I’ve used the Xlack perl script plugin for xchat in Linux. Recently a friend of mine asked me if I had the zip laying around anywhere. I thought I had it but to my disappointment I don’t have the installer. I still have the script installed on one of my computers but like I said, I don’t have the installer. This means that I only have the English version of the script, I think. I’m going to look through my archives/backups but if anyone else has this, leave a comment please.

Note: This has been resolved. See this post!