I’ve starting a new website and have almost completed development on the first tool. It’s a site devoted to Twitter tools. I call it Twutils. The first utility is a spam removing tool called Spit Remover. I’ve settled on “Spit” as a good name for Twitter Spam. I’m in the process of moving the site to a new host due to DNS issues on the previous host. A few other ideas I have for Twutils are:
1.) Tweet Scheduler
2.) Follower generator
3.) Unfollow those that don’t follow you (like’s Mutuality.

I’m also planning to keep track of users who are removed with the spit remover. I may use this to show blacklisted spammers. I may generate a list of the most removed spammers, and allow people to remove these people automatically. Or I may just use it to create the biggest spammers list.

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